The Online Marketing Training & Coaching Membership - Exclusively for Independent Hotels and Resorts in Asia Pacific

“The beauty of being an independent hotel or resort is being able to curate a truly one-of-a-kind experience to delight your guests. So, shouldn’t the training experience which marketing teams of independent hotels receive, be equally as unique?”

As the hotel or resort’s General Manager, you’re passionate about investing in your sales and marketing team’s development with relevant training opportunities, so they have the skills to deliver strong results for your property.

And with a smaller marketing team than a typical ‘group hotel’ has, and no centralised marketing resources or training available, your ambitious team members often have to learn to do all things in marketing whilst staying focused on delivering great results.

So, how do you balance providing your team enough training, with all that they have to do day-to-day?

For individual team members to each attend multiple off-site trainings for different marketing topics, makes it harder for them to integrate all the different skills they learn. 

Plus, supporting the training of every team member across a number of different marketing skills, is likely both a budget and time challenge.

And sometimes it’s just not practical. Particularly if you’re located in a more remote location.

Yet you know that offering training is so important to your individual team members’ satisfaction, so that they feel valued and invested in, but regular skill development is key for them to successfully drive the hotel’s performance.

“To extract value from hotel employees, training personnel is critical. Proper training can lead to increased productivity, improved guest satisfaction, revenue growth through upselling, and enhanced employee satisfaction that leads to greater retention and less turnover. All this can improve both revenues and profits.”

CBRE, 22 Jan 2022


The Savvy Hotel Marketer Membership

The unique marketing training program exclusively designed for the unique needs of marketing teams within independent hotels and resorts throughout Asia Pacific.

(…and by ‘marketing’, we mean all team members in your wider sales and marketing team).

This online monthly training and coaching membership, enables you to provide recognition to the individuals in your marketing team, by investing in their skills development. They’ll gain the know-how and practical resources to gain confidence in strategically driving your hotel’s performance.

Working for your hotel, your team members become more experienced marketers.

And you retain valuable and talented team members.

The Savvy Hotel Marketer Membership includes marketing skills training, coaching and practical resources, accessible by ALL members within your marketing team.

Without having to leave your hotel or resort.

Skills growth via a wide-range of topics complementing your marketing team’s on-the-job focus

All team members learn a wide range of practical on-the-job marketing skills focused on more than short-term tactical promotions. Recognizing the uniqueness of independent hotels, our training provides the knowledge, tools and guidance, specifically needed by your marketing team, so they can align their marketing activity to support your individual property’s business plan and budget. Whether that’s to drive awareness, convert direct bookings or design on-brand guest experiences at the right price.

Not only focused on marketing technical skills and efficient execution, the training program develops key capabilities in your team members including, how to make both strategic and creative choices for marketing activities in-line with your business and marketing targets, and reflecting what is unique about your hotel’s brand.

Coaching every month from a globally-experienced hotel marketing leader who specialises in building learning programs

Your individual marketing team members will receive mentoring and coaching support via monthly group coaching calls, providing them the opportunity to ask questions about their skills they’re developing through the training and their planned implementation. The result? Your team builds confidence in their skills, and gains new marketing ideas, so they can demonstrate to you just how focused they are on driving hotel performance.

Who’s doing the coaching? Our Founder, Eve Weatherburn is the former Vice President Brand Management AMEA for IHG and Vice President Marketing for Anantara Hotels & Resorts, and is also the founder of Brand Journey (working with hotel clients) and the Meraki Marketing Learning Studio. Your team members have the chance to tap into Eve’s 20+ years of hotel marketing experience every month…all included.

Practical and designed for on-the-job access, with time-saving resources

Each training is written to support what a hotel-based marketing team within an independent hotel or resort needs. Your team members are able to access all training lessons on repeat at any time, aligning their learning to their work. They each have a log-in to The Savvy Hotel Marketer Membership Hub containing all training lessons, recordings of the previous coaching calls, and templates and toolkits to download as needed.

Each month a new training topic is delivered to your team, without needing to leave your hotel or resort. If your hotel or resort is in a remote location, then your team members have likely not been able to access this level of regular training before.

Time saving resources such as practical toolkits and templates are integrated into trainings, to save time and make implementation simple.

A team that learns together, delivers results together

Truly unique to The Savvy Hotel Marketer Membership, is this is a TEAM membership. As part of your hotel’s membership, you can assign access to the training and coaching for up to 6 team members within your wider (sales and) marketing department. So your team members can all be trained in the range of skills, widening their capabilities (and perhaps career interests!) and guiding them to work together in a more integrated manner.

The training lessons indicate where and how different team members should be working on initiatives for the best results. For example, how revenue management and marketing communications should work to develop a social media content plan aligned to forecast needs, guest booking windows and highest revenue products.

A Holistic and Blended Learning Experience

The Hotel Marketer Success Journey

The overall training program reflects the wider marketing mix (not just ‘promotion’) and the team learns to apply skills at different stages of the marketing funnel. Whether that be driving new guests to discover your hotel brand, delighting guests with a unique on-brand offer, or getting guests to return and recommend your hotel to others.

Hotel Marketer Strengths

It’s not all about just getting the marketing task done. Strong hotel marketers develop strengths in strategic thinking and decision-making, identifying insights from data, finding new ways to solve problems and delight guests, as well as engaging successfully with other hotel teams. These, and other key strengths, are competencies developed through the training.

Learning Preferences

Watch-Listen-Read-Discuss. We each have our preferred way of learning. To support all marketing team members, our training blends learning via visual and audio training videos with sub-titles that can be watched at an individual’s preferred pace with repeat access, downloadable written toolkits, and live coaching discussions.